

nefit 25次

n. 1.益处,好处 2.(常pl.)补贴,福利 3.救济金

v. (from/by)得益,有益于

with the benefit of hindsight(后见之明),it looks like the internet will transform the economy at something like the pace of other great inventions like electricity.


account 22次

n. 1.账户 2.叙述,报道

vi. (for)1.占(一定比例或数量)2.是……的原因

apply 20次

v. (对……)适用 vt. 应用,运用 vi.(for)申请

students are not able to apply prior knowledge to new problems.


impact 19次

n. 1.(on)(强烈的)影响,作用 2.冲击力,撞击力

v. (对……)产生影响

…the impact of those gases will fall primarily in poor parts of the world.


focus 19次

v. (on)使聚焦,(使)集中

n. (pl.foci/focuses)1.焦点 2.(注意、活动等的)中心点

consequently, before going into any stressful situation, focus only on what you want to have happen.


potential 18次

a. 潜在的,可能的

n. 1.潜力 2.可能性

that institute examined a wider range of potential problems for humanity, while the lcfi has a narrow focus.


challenge 18次

vt. 1.向……挑战 2.质疑

n. 1.挑战 2.质疑

involve 18次

vt. 1.使卷入,使参与 2.包含,含有 3.牵涉

access 18次

n. 1.(to/for)到达,进入 2. (to)接近的机会,进入权,使用权 3.(to)通道,入口

vt. 获取

it follows a specific individual, such a doctor or nurse, who can use it to record and access patient data.


shift 16次

v. 1.(使)移动 2.转移(注意力等)3.改变

n. 1.转换,转变 2.轮班,换班 3.(键盘上的)转换键

resource 16次

n. 1.(常pl.)资源 2.资料,(教学)资源 3.应变能力 4.(pl.)财力

as the plant dries, these resources take on first the properties of honey, then rubber, and finally enter a glass-like state…


promote 16次

vt. 1.促进,增进 2.提升 3.推广

they look for new and effective ways to promote products.


current 15次

a. 1.当前的,现在的 2.流行的

n. 1.潮流,趋势 2.(水、气、电等的)流

launch 15次

vt. 1.发射 2.把(新产品等)投放市场 3.发动,发起 4.使(船)下水

n. 1.发射 2.(新产品的)投产

opportunity 14次

n. 机会

well, we saw the opportunity to offer something a little special and different from other establishments.


reflect 14次

v. 1.反射 2.显示 3.认真思考 4.映现,倒映

and the value of what the student can produce is reflected in the wage employers are willing to pay the student to produce it.


debate 14次

v./n. 辩论,争论

tend 14次

v. (~to do sth.)易于做某事 vi.趋向,倾向 vt.照管,护理

our specialty here are italian wines,and these tend to be fruity with medium acidity.


conduct 13次

v./n. vt. 1.进行,实施 2.指挥 3.带领,引导

n. 行为,举止

amount 13次

n. 1.(感情、特质的)程度 2.数额,数量

vi. (to)1.总计,达到 2.等于

purchase 13次

vt. 买,购买

n. 购买(的东西)

specific 13次

a. 1.具体的,特定的 2.明确的,确切的

despite 13次

prep. 尽管,虽然

despite complications and concerns, the upsides of sharing can be significant.


determine 13次

vt. 1.决定 2.确定,查明 3.裁决

a season in the field will help determine which, if any, of the varieties are ready for commercialization.


agency 12次

n. 1.代理处,经销处 2.(政府的)专门机构

financial 12次

a. 财政的,金融的

expand 12次

v. 1.(使)扩张,扩大 2.扩展(业务)

release 12次

vt. 1.释放,排放 2.发布,发行 3.放开,松开

n. 1.排放,释放 2.发布,发表


the newly released statistics indicate that the number of public libraries in china is on an increase year by year.(2018.12,翻译)

declare 12次

vt. 1.宣布,声明 2.声称,宣称

institution 12次

n. 1.公共机构,协会 2.制度,惯例

private universities are money-making institutions.


attitude 12次

n. 1.态度,看法 2.姿势

senior 12次

a. 1.高级的,较高的 2.年老的

n. 1.(高中和大学的)毕业班的学生 2.老年人

rodriguez is just the seventh entrepreneur to movie into one of brookdale’s 1100 senior living communities.


estimate 12次

v./n. 1.估计,估算 2.估价


in the next 20 years, it is estimated that about 350 million rural residents will migrate to cities.(2015.6,翻译)

assume 11次

vt. 1.假定,认为 2.承担 3.呈现出

they may assume that the sea is just another such swimmable obstacle.


unique 11次

a. 1.唯一的,独一无二的 2.极好的


lake tai is renowned for its unique “taihu stones”, which are often employed to decorate traditional chinese gardens.

eventually 11次

ad. 终于,最后

pose 11次

vt. 1.造成,引起(困难等)2.提问 vi. 1.摆姿势 2.装腔作势


the open-data shift poses a confusing problem for junior researchers.


replace 11次

vt. 取代,接替

this is one industry where it seems the integration of robots will lead to collaboration, not replacement.


series 11次

n. 1.一系列,连续 2.丛书

before writing metamorphosis, merian spent decades documenting european plants and insects that she published in a series of books.


significant 11次

a. 1.重要的,意义重大的 2.相当数量的 3.意味深长的

she didn’t do as much to change biology as charles darwin, but she was significant.


fund 11次

n. 1.基金,专款 2.(sing.)基金会 3.(pl.)资金,现款

vt. 为……提供资金,给……拨款

when i stared college, the hope scholarship was funded by the state of geogia and offered to graduating high school seniors with a gpa of 3.0 or higher.


predict 10次

vt. 预言,预测,预告

so what factors, at the community level, do predict if poor children will move up the economic ladder as adults?


attach 10次

vt. 1.连接,固定,附上 2.与……有关联


china attaches increasing importance to public libraries and encourages people to make full use of them.(2018.12,翻译)

campaign 10次

n. 1.(宣传)活动,运动 2.战役

vi. 参加(或发起)运动

she began a nationwide campaign to have a national holiday declared that would bring families together while celebrating the traditional festivals.


rank 10次

n. 1.等级 2.成员 3.排,行,列 4.军衔

vt. 1.把……分等级 2.排列

respond 10次

vi. (to)1.回答,答复 2.响应,做出反应

advocate 10次

vt. 主张,拥护,鼓吹

n. 提倡者,拥护者

hale wasn’t just a writer, she was also a fierce social advocate, and she was particularly obsessed with an ideal new england…


boost 10次

vt. 1.促进,推动 2.助推

n. (常sing.)1. 助,激励 2.增长,提高

wealthy universities talk up the benefits their name will give graduates: namely, strong alumni networks, star faculty, and a resume boost.


track 10次

n. 1.方向,路径 2.(铁路的)轨道3.歌曲,曲子 4.田径运动 5.小路

vt. 跟踪

i juggled(尽力应付)cross-country and track schedules,newspaper staff, and my church’s youth group and drama team.


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